¨ E. Suaste, H. Alfonzo y E. Limón." Bio-instrumentation for the clinical analysis of nystagmus eye movement opto-oculography ( OOG )," Medical & Biologycal Engineering & Computing , Vol. 29 ,Supplement part 1, pág. 572, 1991.
¨ E. Suaste, C. Cajica, P. Rivera." Video-oculography for measurement of torsional nystagmus,"15 th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Edited by Andrew Y.J. Szeto and Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, Vol. 15, pp. 38-39, 1993.
¨ E. Suaste, L. Solís, P. Rivera." Automated Clinical Perimeter-Based Fiber Optic Target," 15th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Edited by Andrew Y.J. Szeto and Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, Vol.15, pp.1606-1607, 1993.
¨ O. Pérez, F. Calderón, E. Suaste, M. Rivera, " Influencia del Radio Iónico de los Elementos del grupo de los Lantánidos en su Sustitución por Pb+2 en las Piezocerámicas de Titanato de Plomo, Propiedades Piezoeléctricas," XIII Congreso Nacional de la SMCSV, Cancún, Quintana Roo, Septiembre de 1993.
¨ E. Suaste, M. Rivera, P. Arzola, E. Limón. "Bioinstrumentation and power spectrum density of opto-oculograms (OOG) for clinical analysis of nystagmus eye movement," 2nd Far Eastern Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, Pág. 323, Beijing, China, 1993.
¨ O. Pérez-Martínez, F. Calderón- Piñar, E. Suaste-Gómez."Piezoelectric Anisotropy in Lead Titanate with Eu and Mn," Sociedad Mexicana de Física, CAMP 94 Physics Meeting, Pág. 116, Septiembre 26 - 30, 1994. Cancun Quintana Roo, México.
¨ O. Pérez, E. Suaste, F. Calderón, Jº. Portelles, “Dependencia de la corriente piroeléctrica Ip vs Temperatura en el sistema PZT+PMN” en V Taller de Espectroscopías Opticas, Depto. de Física, CINVESTAV-IPN, MEXICO, 1994.
¨ E. Suaste, J. Leybón, L. Leija, H. Sossa. "Ambientes Virtuales para el Análisis Clínico, Visualización y Simulación del Nistagmo Congénito," Bioingeniería y Física Médica, IEEE-EMB y Coral, Habana Cuba, Pág. 14, 1995.
¨ E. Suaste, P. Rivera and G. Serrano. " Security Goggles Based on Superposed Liquid Crystal Windows," 17th IEEE/EMBS & 21st Canadian Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, Visual System Instrumentation, Paper # 00851, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 1995.
¨ E. Suaste, J. L. Avila and Ana Ma. Martinez. " Monitoring of Respiration Using a Sensor Based on Mode-Single Fiber Optic and Expert System to Medical Diagnosis," 20 International Conference on Lung Sounds, Long Beach, California, U.S.A.,1995.
¨ E. Suaste, P. Rivera, J. Leybón, V. Salazar, L. Leija and H. Sossa. " 3D Visualization, Simulation, Animation and Modeling of Ocular Movements and Pupillary Responses for Clinical Aplications," VII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE), Jerusalem, ISRAEL, 1995.
¨ E. Suaste, P. Rivera, J. Leybón, J. Avila, V. Salazar, L. Leija and H. Sossa, “3D Visualization, Simulation, Animation and modeling of Eye-Pupil Movements and visual field for Clinical Applications,” 18 th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, October 31 - November 3, Paper number 146, 1996. AMSTERDAN-The Netherlands [C I T A S: Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology • 2005:1 (2005) 20–27 • DOI: 10.1155/JBB.2005.20].
¨ Jaime Leybón and Ernesto Suaste. “Scanpath and Visual Perception in Patients with Congenital Nystagmus,” Medical and Biomedical Engineering Computing, Part. 1, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France, pp.420, 1997.
¨ F. Cruz and E. Suaste. “Three-Dimensional Detection of Compensatory Head Postures in Congenital Nystagmus,” Medical and Biomedical Engineering Computing, Part. 1, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France, pp.568, 1997.
¨ E. Suaste, L. Leija, D. Rodríguez and H. Sossa. “Ergonomic or Symbolic Representation of Congenital Nystagmus,” Medical and Biomedical Engineering Computing, Part. 2, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Nice, France, pp.794, 1997.
¨ Suaste E., Leybón J. “Diseño-Prototipo de una Pupila Artificial Utilizando Cristal Liquido,” III Workshop de Iberchip, pp. 90-99, celebrado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica del CINVESTAV-IPN, 1997.
¨ E. Suaste, D. Rodríguez, L. Leija y H. Sossa. “Generador de Patrones de Nistagmo Congénito,” III Workshop de Iberchip, pp. 146-152, celebrado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica del CINVESTAV-IPN, 1997.
¨ E. Suaste, D. Rodríguez, J. Leybón, L. Leija and H. Sossa, “Congenital Nystagmus Waveforms Generator and Symbolic Representation,” 19th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago IL, USA, pp. 1478-1481, 1997.
¨ F. Cruz, and E. Suaste, “A Method of Measuring Head Movements for the Head Postures Determination in Congenital Nystagmus,” 19th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago IL, USA, pp. 1474-1477, 1997.
¨ Suaste E., Leybón J. “Diseño-Prototipo de una Pupila Artificial Utilizando Cristal Liquido,” III Workshop de Iberchip, pp. 90-99, celebrado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica del CINVESTAV-IPN, 1997.
¨ E. Suaste, D. Rodríguez, L. Leija y H. Sossa. “Generador de Patrones de Nistagmo Congénito,” III Workshop de Iberchip, pp. 146-152, celebrado en el Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica del CINVESTAV-IPN, 1997.
¨ E. Suaste, D. Rodríguez, J. Leybón, L. Leija and H. Sossa, “Congenital Nystagmus Waveforms Generator and Symbolic Representation,” 19th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago IL, USA, pp. 1478-1481, 1997.
¨ F. Cruz, and E. Suaste, “A Method of Measuring Head Movements for the Head Postures Determination in Congenital Nystagmus,” 19th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago IL, USA, pp. 1474-1477, 1997.
¨ E. Suaste, J. Leybón, “Nistagmo congénito, un reto para la evolución técnico-científica de las metodologías instrumentales,” 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, del 11 al 14 de noviembre 1998, en Mazatlán, México, pág. 659-662.
¨ E. Suaste, J. Tapia, “Análisis de la respuesta pupilar en perimetría cromática,” 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, del 11 al 14 de noviembre 1998, en Mazatlán, México, pag. 655-658.
¨ Christopher Druzgalski, Ernesto Suaste, “Hemispheric Convergence of Biomedical Engineering and Telehealth,” The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, Inc. 1999 National Technical and Career Conference , 25th Anniversary, Los Angeles California.
¨ Ernesto Suaste, “Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Forum”. Chapter IEEE/EMBS, Los Angeles Council, April 20, 1999. California State University Long Beach College of Engineering. IEEE Bulletin, April 1999, Vol. 61, Numero 4.
¨ Zúñiga A., Suaste E. “Software para el manejo y control remoto de un perímetro objetivo y sus aditamentos de estudio”. Décima Reunión de Otoño de Comunicaciones y Computación y Exposición Industrial, IEEE Sección México, ROC&C’99, pp. 51-54, Octubre-Noviembre 1999.
¨ E. Suaste, R. González, V. Castillo, “Aplicaciones biomédicas de los lantánidos cuando sustituyen al Pb2+ en las piezocerámicas de PbTiO3 “, II Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, del 23 al 25 de Mayo del 2001, La Habana Cuba.
¨ J. Leybón, E. Suaste, C. Druzgalski, “Electro-estimulación en músculos extraoculares”, II Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, del 23 al 25 de Mayo del 2001, La Habana Cuba.
¨ Martínez Memije R., Suaste Gómez E., “Diseño de un opto-electrodo con cristales líquidos, con propósitos biomédicos”, II Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, del 23 al 25 de Mayo del 2001, La Habana Cuba.
¨ Christopher Druzgalski, Ernesto Suaste, “Modalidades y formatos optimizados para teleauscultacion”, II Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, del 23 al 25 de Mayo del 2001, La Habana Cuba.
¨ Zúñiga, E. Suaste, E., “Sistema para evaluar la agudeza visual basado en patrones en movimiento” II Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, del 23 al 25 de Mayo del 2001, La Habana Cuba.
¨ Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, Rubén González-Ballesteros, Víctor Castillo-Rivas, “Effect of Q in piezoelectric transducers based on Pb0.88 (Ln)0.08 Ti0.98 Mn0.02 O3 (Ln=La, Eu, Nd, Sm, Gd) ceramics used in human tissue”, 10th International Meeting on ferroelectricity, del 3-7 de septiembre del 2001, Madrid España.
¨ E. Suaste, v. Castillo y R. González, “Phase transition in Pb0.88 Ln0.08 Ti0.98 Mn0.02 O3 (Ln= La, Sm, Eu) piezoelectric transducers, using radiation and emissivity”, Proceedings of the second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference, pp. 1775-1776, October 23-26, 2002, Houston, TX, USA.
¨ E. Suaste-Gómez, A. Zúñiga-López, “The retinal illuminance in trolands caused by luminance and color of PC monitors”, Proceedings of the second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference, pp.1734-1735, October 23-26, 2002, Houston, TX, USA.
¨ Rubén González Ballesteros, Victor Castillo Rivas, Ernesto Suaste Gómez, “Cerámicas de Pb0.88(Ln)0.08Ti0.98Mn0.02O3 (Ln = La, Sm, Eu) para su uso como detectores de infrarrojo”, IX Workshop IBERCHIP IWS´2003, La Habana, Cuba, marzo del 2003.
¨ Victor Castillo, Rubén González, Ernesto Suaste “Optoelectrónica en la caracterización de materiales ferroeléctricos”, IX Workshop IBERCHIP IWS´2003, La Habana, Cuba, marzo del 2003.
¨ A. Zúñiga, N. García, D. Rodríguez and E. Suaste, ”Dynamic Visual Acuity Using Video-Oculography”, 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society, to be held in Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 Sept. 2003
¨ L.A. Villamar, E. Suaste, “Tunnel Diode Oscillator Applied as Sensor-Modulator for Telemetry of Temperature in Human Beings and Animals”, 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society, to be held in Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 Sept. 2003
¨ N. García, L. A. Villamar and E. Suaste, “VEP Associated with Pupillary Responses for Objective Evaluation of the Visual Field”, 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society, to be held in Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 Sept. 2003
¨ R. González, V. Castillo, E. Suaste, “Pyroelectric properties of Pb0.88(Ln)0.08Ti0.98Mn0.02O3 (Ln = La, Sm, Eu) piezoceramics for biomedical use”, 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society, to be held in Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 Sept. 2003
¨ Martínez Memije Raúl, Estañol Bruno, Infante Oscar, Sentíes Madrid Horacio, Flores Pedro, Suaste Ernesto, “Medición simultánea de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca y de las oscilaciones pupilares espontáneas”, IFMBE Proc. 2004; 5(1): 1139-1142.
¨ D. Rodríguez Guzmán , D. Solórzano Ugalde, E. Martínez Moreno y E. Suaste Gómez, “UMBRAL E ILUMINACIÓN RETINIANA A ESTIMULOS CROMÁTICOS DE 400 NM A 650 NM”, IFMBE Proc. 2004; 5(1): 853-856
¨ Carlos O. González Morán, Rubén González-Ballesteros, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, “Polivinylidene Difluoride (PVDF) pressure sensor for biomedical applications”, First International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and X Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEE / CIE 2004, Acapulco Guerrero, México, September 8-10, 2004
¨ Rodríguez Guzmán D., Solórzano Ugalde D., Martínez Moreno E. Suaste Gómez E., “Pupillary Response, Illumination and Threshold Of The Retina to Chromatic Stimulus in the Visible Spectrum”, First International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering and X Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEE / CIE 2004, Acapulco Guerrero, México, September 8-10, 2004
¨ Ernesto Suaste, Nadia García, Dolores Rodríguez, and Arturo Zúñiga, “Pupillary responses and eye movements associated with dynamic visual acuity”, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIX, SPIE 2004
¨ D. A. Gutiérrez, C. O. González, E. Suaste. “Sistema de estimulación visual para la detección de movimientos oculares”. VI Congreso de la Sociedad Cubana de Bioingeniería. La Habana, Julio 19-22, 2005
¨ D. Rodríguez, E. Suaste. “DINÁMICA PUPILAR EN EL ESPECTRO VISIBLE”. VI Congreso de la Sociedad Cubana de Bioingeniería. La Habana, Julio 19-22, 2005.
¨ Germán Escoto Mora, Carlos O. González Morán, Ernesto Suaste Gómez. “SENSOR DE FUERZA BASADO EN PVDF”. VI Congreso de la Sociedad Cubana de Bioingeniería. La Habana, Julio 19-22, 2005
¨ V. Trujillo, C. O. González, E. Suaste. “Prototipo de Prótesis Pupilar de Cristal Líquido”.VI Congreso de la Sociedad Cubana de Bioingeniería. La Habana, Julio 19-22, 2005.
¨ R. González-Ballesteros, A. Cruz-Orea, E. Suaste-Gómez. “Imagen fototérmica de tejido utilizando microscopia fotopiroeléctrica”. VI Congreso de la Sociedad Cubana de Bioingeniería. La Habana, Julio 19-22, 2005.
¨ R. González-Ballesteros, J. E. Morales, A. Cruz-Orea, E. Suaste-Gómez “DETERMINATION OF THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY OF THE Pb0.88 (Ln)0.08 Ti0.98 Mn0.02 O3 (LN=LA, EU) FERROELECTRIC CERAMIC SYSTEM BY PHOTOACUSTIC TECHNIQUE” 11th Internacional Meeting of Ferroelectricity, September 5-9, 2005, Cataratas del Iguazú, Argentina / Brasil.
¨ G. Escoto Mora. C. O. González Morán, E. Suaste Gómez. “PVDF Strength sensor for biomechanical análisis in mice”. ICEEE/CIE 2005. México D. F., Septiembre 7 al 9, 2005.
¨ Dolores Rodríguez Guzmán, Ernesto Suaste Gómez. “Chromatic Pupillary Response in Diabetic Patients”. ICEEE/CIE 2005. México D. F., Septiembre 7 al 9, 2005.
¨ L. A. Villamar; Ernesto Suaste.”Medidor de temperatura en seres vivos basado en el diodo túnel”, Bilingual Pan American Health Care Engineering Conference and Clinical/Hospital Engineering Workshop. Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Enero 30 – Febrero 3, 2006.
¨ González-Ballesteros R., Ernesto Suaste, Cruz-Orea A., “Uso de microscopia fotopiroeléctrica en tejidos biológicos”, Bilingual Pan American Health Care Engineering Conference and Clinical/Hospital Engineering Workshop. Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Enero 30 – Febrero 3, 2006.
¨ Martinez-memije R, Estañol B., Infante O, Flores P. Suaste E. “Análisis de la variabilidad de frecuencia cardiaca y variabilidad de áreas pupilares en diabéticos y sanos”, Bilingual Pan American Health Care Engineering Conference and Clinical/Hospital Engineering Workshop. Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Enero 30 – Febrero 3, 2006.
¨ Dolores Rodríguez, Ernesto Suaste. “Dinámica pupilar cromática en sujetos expuestos a plomo”, Bilingual Pan American Health Care Engineering Conference and Clinical/Hospital Engineering Workshop. Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Enero 30 – Febrero 3, 2006.
¨ Martinez Moreno Eduardo, Guzmán Rodríguez Dolores, Ernesto Suaste, Gutiérrez Cruz Alma R. “Detección de la frecuencia de calosfríos posquirúrgicos en pacientes que recibieron anestesia general balanceada”, Bilingual Pan American Health Care Engineering Conference and Clinical/Hospital Engineering Workshop. Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Enero 30 – Febrero 3, 2006.
¨ Carlos Omar González, Ernesto Suaste. “Miniaturización del sensor de presión intraocular utilizando Polyvinil Difloruro”, Bilingual Pan American Health Care Engineering Conference and Clinical/Hospital Engineering Workshop. Long Beach – Los Ángeles, California, USA. Enero 30 – Febrero 3, 2006.
¨ González-Ballesteros R., González Morán C. O., Suaste-Gómez E., Cruz-Orea A. “Polivinilidene Fluoride (PVDF) applied to photopyroelectric microscopy”, 2006 3rd Internacional Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2006), Veracruz, Veracruz, México. Septiembre 6-8, 2006.
¨ Dolores Rodríguez, Ernesto Suaste. “First Approach for Modeling Chromatic Pupillary Responses”, 2006 3rd Internacional Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2006), Veracruz, Veracruz, México. Septiembre 6-8, 2006.
¨ David A. Gutiérrez Begovich, Carlos O. González Morán, E. Suaste G. “Visual Stimulation System to Detect Eye Movements”, 2006 3rd Internacional Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2006), Veracruz, Veracruz, México. Septiembre 6-8, 2006.
¨ Eduardo Martínez Moreno, J. Augusto Valdez Hernández, Ernesto Suaste Gómez. “Methodology to obtain and record evoked pupillary responses by auditive stimulation”, 2006 3rd Internacional Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2006), Veracruz, Veracruz, México. Septiembre 6-8, 2006.
¨ L. Rivera Galván, R. Rodríguez Ruiz, E. Suaste Gómez. “C-Mode Ultrasonic System Based in Piezoelectric for Several Acoustic Impedances”, 2006 3rd Internacional Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2006), Veracruz, Veracruz, México. Septiembre 6-8, 2006.
¨ Leonor Borja Martínez, Ernesto Gómez Suaste and Luis Gerardo de la Fraga. “Automatic Calculation of the Pupil Response from Digital Video”, 2006 3rd Internacional Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2006), Veracruz, Veracruz, México. Septiembre 6-8, 2006.
¨ R. Rodríguez, E. Suaste, “Development of Lead-Free (Bi0.5Na0.5)BaTiO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics for Clinical Applications”, 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. pp.2223-2226. August 23-26, 2007. Lyon France.
¨ Martínez-Memije R, Estañol Vidal B, Infante Vazquez O. Suaste E. Medición de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca y de la variabilidad de áreas pupilares en sujetos sanos, con respiración controlada. IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, del 26 al 28 de Septiembre 2007. CLAIB 2007, IFMBE Proceedings 18, pp. 1186-1190, 2007.
¨ Dolores Rodríguez, Ernesto Suaste, “Modeling Chromatic Pupillary Responses in Healthy People”, 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp.57-60, Mexico City, September 5-7, 2007.
¨ R. Rodríguez Ruiz, A. Flores Cuautle, E. Suaste Gómez, “Development of lead-free ((Bi1/2Na1/2)BaTiO3) Piezoelectric Ceramics for clinical Applications”, 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp. 75-78, Mexico City, September 5-7, 2007.
¨ E. Martínez, D. Rodríguez, C. O. González, E. Suaste, “Pupillary response interpretation to white noise audible stimuli”, 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp. 79-81, Mexico City, September 5-7, 2007.
¨ E. Suaste Gómez, Carlos O. González Morán, Andrés Hernández Pineda. “Clinical applications of piezoelectric ceramics and its mundial market tendency”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages. pp. 22, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 – 16 de Febrero 2007.
¨ David A. Gutiérrez Begovich, E. Suaste Gómez. “Design of a Programmable Agonist and Antagonist Signals Generator I.C. to use in a Extraocular Muscle Electrostimulator (Ocular Markpass)”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages. pp. 23, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 – 16 de Febrero 2007.
¨ R. Rodríguez Ruiz, A. Flores Cuautle, E. Suaste Gómez. “Development of Lead-Free (Bi1/2Na1/2)BaTiO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics for Clinical Applications”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages. pp. 24, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 – 16 de Febrero 2007.
¨ Luis Villamar; E. Suaste Gómez. “High velocity videoculography to determination the pupil dynamics”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages. pp. 25, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 – 16 de Febrero 2007.
¨ Eduardo Martínez M., Luis A.Villamar M., E. Suaste Gómez. “High velocity videoculography to record evoked pupillary responses by auditive stimulation”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages. pp. 26, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 – 16 de Febrero 2007.
¨ Dolores Rodríguez Guzmán, E. Suaste Gómez. “ Objective detection of the color visual perception and its clinical importance”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages. pp. 27, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 – 16 de Febrero 2007.
¨ J. A. Valdez Hernández, E. Suaste Gómez. “Pupilar responses and visual evoked potencial to detect objetive visual fields”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages. pp. 28, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 – 16 de Febrero 2007.
¨ Germán Escoto Mora, Carlos O. González Morán, E. Suaste Gómez. “PVDF Piezo Film Strength Sensor for Biomechanical Analysis in Mice”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages. pp. 29, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 – 16 de Febrero 2007.
¨ R.Rodríguez, R. Gonzalez, A. Flores, E. Suaste, “Determination of the Pyroelectric Coefficient of the (Bi0.5Na0.5)0.935Ba0.065TiO3 Piezoelectric Ceramics”. 11th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, pp.181. September 3-7. Bled, Slovenia.
¨ E. Suaste-Gómez, A. Flores-Cuautle. “Behavior of the temperature dependence of dielectric constants and curie temperature of Pt-implanted modified BaTiO3, KNbO3, PbZrO3, Pb0.88LN0.08Ti0.98Mn0.02O3 (LN =La, Eu) ceramics” XVII IMRC and VII Congress of NACE Int. Symposium 7 Ferro-electricity and Piezo-electricity (S7-P1), 2008. Agosto 17-21, 2008. Cancún, México.
¨ A. Flores-Cuautle, R. González-Ballesteros, A. Cruz-Orea and E. Suaste-Gómez. “Determination of thermal effusivity of the Pb0.88Ln0.08Ti0.98Mn0.02O3 (Ln =La, Eu) Ferroelectric ceramic system by inverse photopyroelectric technique” XVII IMRC and VII Congress of NACE Int. Symposium 16 Optical Characterization of Materials (S16-P5), Agosto 17-21, 2008. Cancún, México.
¨ Flores Cuautle, R. Rodríguez Ruiz, E. Suaste Gómez, “Development of lead-free ((Bi1/2Na1/2)0.935Ba0.065TiO3) Piezoelectric Ceramics for medical diagnostic”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. pp. 24, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Febrero 2008.
¨ David A. Gutiérrez Begovich, Omar Terán Jiménez, E. Suaste Gómez, “Acondicionamiento de Señales Agonista y Antagonista para su uso en Nistagmo a manera de un Marcapaso Ocular”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. pp. 25, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Febrero 2008.
¨ E. Suaste Gómez, Carlos O. González M., “PVDF polymer applications for biomedical use”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. pp. 26, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Febrero 2008.
¨ Luis Villamar; Ernesto Suaste, “High velocity videoculography to determination the pupil dynamics”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. pp.32, Long Beach – Los Angeles, California, USA. Febrero 2008.
¨ E. Suaste, C. O. González and J. J. A. Flores-Cuautle. Developed and applications of a novel ceramic-controlled piezoelectric due to an implant of Pt-wire into the body of single disk of BaTiO3 ceramic. World Congress 2009, Medical physics and biomedical engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 25/XII, pp. 89-22, Múnich, Alemania, 2009.
¨ O. Terán and E. Suaste, “Electrical Network for Emulation of Saccadic Eye Movements”, World Congress 2009, Medical physics and biomedical engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 25/XII, pp. 402-405, Múnich, Alemania, 2009.
¨ D. Rodríguez, L. A. Villamar, and E. Suaste, “Effect of Visual Spectrum on the dynamic pupillary in subjects with diabetes mellitus on poisoning on lead Pb”, World Congress 2009, Medical physics and biomedical engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 25/XII, pp. 300-303, Múnich, Alemania, 2009.
¨ R. Martínez, L. Jiménez, O. Infante, D. Bialoztosky, B. Estañol y E. Suaste, “Variabilidad de las áreas pupilares en reposo y post estrés, en pacientes isquémicos, valorados por medicina nuclear”, 1er Congreso de Bioingeniería efectuado en la Universidad Latina de Costa Rica los días 5 y 6 de Noviembre de 2009.
¨ J. J. A. Flores-Cuautle and E. Suaste, “Developed of a Novel Ceramic-Controlled Piezoelectric of Single Disk of BaTiO3 for Biomedical Applications”, Pan American Health Care Exchange 2009 Conference/Workshops/Exhibits, pp. 2-4, 16 al 20 Marzo, Ciudad de México, México, ISBN: 978-1-4224-3669-9, 2009.
¨ J. J. A. Flores-Cuatle and E. Suaste, “Determination of thermal effusivity of the KNbO3 ferroelectric ceramic by inverse photopyroelectric technique”, 15th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena – ICCPP15, Lovaina, Belgica, Julio 2009.
¨ J. J. A. Flores-Cuatle and E. Suaste, “Photopyroeletric detection based on PLZT ceramic”, 15th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena – ICCPP15, Lovaina, Belgica, Julio 2009.
¨ C. O. González and E. Suaste, “Controlled piezoelectric ceramic as cardiac pulse sensor”, Pan American Health Care Exchange 2009 Conference/Workshops/Exhibits, 16 al 20 Marzo, Ciudad de México, México, 2009.
¨ C. O. González and E. Suaste, “Controlled piezoelectric ceramic as tissue opacity sensor, using photovoltaic effect”, Pan American Health Care Exchange 2009 Conference/Workshops/Exhibits, 16 al 20 Marzo, Ciudad de México, México, 2009.
¨ D. Gutierrez and E. Suaste, “Frecuencia Modulada a través de un señal biológica usando una cerámica piezoeléctrica controlada”, Pan American Health Care Exchange 2009 Conference/Workshops/Exhibits, 16 al 20 Marzo, Ciudad de México, México, 2009.
¨ L. Villamar and E. Suaste, “Measurement of the pupillary response using high-velocity videoculography and conventional”, Pan American Health Care Exchange 2009 Conference/Workshops/Exhibits, 16 al 20 Marzo, Ciudad de México, México, 2009.
¨ O. Teran and E. Suaste, “Electronic active model for saccadic eye movements”, Pan American Health Care Exchange 2009 Conference/Workshops/Exhibits, 16 al 20 Marzo, Ciudad de México, México, 2009.
¨ D. Canul and E. Suaste, “Development of equipment to spread wavelengths from 367-850 mm for pupil cicle time”, Pan American Health Care Exchange 2009 Conference/Workshops/Exhibits, 16 al 20 Marzo, Ciudad de México, México, 2009.
¨ J. J. A. Flores-Cuautle, M. Acuautla y E. Suaste, “Preparation of ferroelectric ceramic with layer as membrane”, XVIII International Materials Research Congress, 16 al 21 de Agosto, Cancun, Quintana Roo, 2009.
¨ Carlos O. González-Morán, Omar Terán-Jimenez, José de Jesus Agustín Flores-Cuautle y E. Suaste-Gómez, “Cardiac skin micropulsation acquisition system based on pressure sensor made of PLZT with implant”. Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages., p. 113, Lima, Perú. 15 – 19 Marzo, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4244-6292-6. IEEE Catalog Number CFP1018G-PRT.
¨ E. Suaste, Anabel S. Sánchez, Luis A. Villamar, O. Terán “High velocity videoculography to measuring the pupil size in pseudo`hakic people with multifocal intraocular lens”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages., p.51, Lima, Perú. 15 – 19 Marzo, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4244-6292-6. IEEE Catalog Number CFP1018G-PRT.
¨ David A. Gutiérrez_Begovich, Ernesto Suaste_Gómez, “Bidimensional scan in plants using diffuse reflectance in the range 380 nm – 680 nm”, Pan American Health Care Exchanges – PAHCE. Conference, Workshops, and Exhibits. Cooperation / Linkages., p.176, Lima, Perú. 15 – 19 Marzo, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4244-6292-6. IEEE Catalog Number CFP1018G-PRT.
¨ Carlos Omar González-Morán, Carlos Javier Rodríguez-Montoya, and Ernesto Suaste-Gómez “Preparation of membranes of Poly(vynilidene fluoride) as temperatura sensors via Electrospinning for biomedical applications”. 2010 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE 2010), Can-Cun México. 8-10 Septiembre. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10827-ART. ISBN: 987-1-4244-7314-4
¨ C. O. González-Morán, J. J. A. Flores Cuautle and E. Suaste-Gómez, “Ferroelectrics: Development, applications and potenciality in medical physics and electrical engineering”, XI Mexican symposium on medical physics, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, pp. 29, México, D. F. 19 – 22 de Marzo, 2010.
¨ M . I. Acuatla Meneses, J. J. A. Flores Cuautle and E. Suaste-Gómez, “Preparation and characterization of porous ferroelectric ceramics applying quartz with barium titanate” Symposium No.18 Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Material, Devices And Applications of the XIX International Materials Research Congress, S18-P11, Cancun in August 15-19, 2010.
¨ C. O González-Morán, C. J. Rodríguez-Montoya, E. Suaste-Gómez. Preparación de fibras de Poly(vynil Difloruro) con electrospinnig como sensor de temperatura, detector de humo y humedad para aplicaciones biomédicas. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica CLAIB 2011. Habana, Cuba. 16 al 21 de Mayo de 2011. IFMBE Proceedings 33.
¨ Anabel Sánchez Sánchez, Ernesto Suaste Gómez. Video-oculography to evaluate dynamic visual acuity to subjects with intraocular lens implant as a treatment for high refractive errors. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica CLAIB 2011. Habana, Cuba. 16 al 21 de Mayo de 2011. IFMBE Proceedings 33.
¨ H. Reyes-Cruz, O. Terán-Jiménez, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Biodynamical eye movements models for pupil and eye plant. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica CLAIB 2011. Habana, Cuba. 16 al 21 de Mayo de 2011. IFMBE Proceedings 33.
¨ E. Suaste Gómez, L. A. Villamar. Programación grafica y videoculografía de alta velocidad aplicada a la movilidad ocular. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica CLAIB 2011. Habana, Cuba. 16 al 21 de Mayo de 2011. IFMBE Proceedings 33.
¨ Carlos Omar Gonzales-Moran, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Piezoelectric ceramic made of PLZT with two implants applying as high pass filter and splitter for bioelectrical signals modulating. Pan American Health Care Exchanges Conference, workshops, and exhibits Cooperation/Linkages. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 28 de Marzo al 1 de Abril de 2011. 406-409. ISBN: 976-1-61284-918-8
¨ E. Villareal, E. Suaste. Diseño y desarrollo de un perímetro cromático objetivo automatizado basado en videopupilometria. IV Congreso Colombiano de Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Biomédica. Barranquilla, Colombia. 22 al 24 de Septiembre de 2011. ISNN: 1909-9991.
¨ Anabel S. Sánchez A, Ernesto Suaste G. Iluminación retiniana con video-oculografia de alta velocidad en sujetos con lente intraocular multifocal. IV Congreso Colombiano de Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Biomédica. Barranquilla, Colombia. 22 al 24 de Septiembre de 2011. ISNN: 1909-9991.
¨ J. J. A. Flores-Cuautle, D. T. Álvarez-Ruiz, E. Suaste-Gómez. Detector de humo basado en cerámicas ferroeléctricas para aplicaciones clínicas. IV Congreso Colombiano de Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Biomédica. Barranquilla, Colombia. 22 al 24 de Septiembre de 2011. ISNN: 1909-9991.
¨ C. O. Gonzáles-Morán, C. J. Rodríguez-Montoya, E. Suaste-Gómez. Preparación de fibras de Poly(vynil Diflouro) con electrospinning como sensor de humedad para aplicaciones biológicas. IV Congreso Colombiano de Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Biomédica. Barranquilla, Colombia. 22 al 24 de Septiembre de 2011. ISNN: 1909-9991.
¨ J. J. A Flores-Cuautle, E. Suaste-Gómez, A. Cruz-Orea. Photopyroelectric microscopy on porous ceramics. 16th International Conference on Photoacustic and Phototermal Phenomena (ICPPP). Merida, México. 27 de Noviembre al 1 de Diciembre de 2011.
¨ J. J. A Flores-Cuautle, E. Suaste-Gómez, A. Cruz-Orea. Thermal diffusivity of BaTiO3 based poruos ceramics. 16th International Conference on Photoacustic and Phototermal Phenomena (ICPPP). Merida, México. 27 de Noviembre al 1 de Diciembre de 2011.
¨ Anabel S. Sánchez, Ernesto Suaste. High-speed video-oculography and image processing to measure pupillary latency evoked by isoluminant chromatic stimuli. 89th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Optometry. Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. 12 al 15 de Octubre de 2011.
¨ J. J. A. Flores-Cuautle, E. Suaste-Gómez. UV radiation sensor based on BNBT ferroelectric ceramic. XX International Materials Research Congress. Cancún, Quintana Roo. México. 14 al 15 de Agosto de 2011.
¨ D. T. Álvarez-Ruiz, J. J. A. Flores-Cuautle, E. Suaste-Gómez. Development of Helium Sensor Based on Porous Ferroelectric Ceramic. XXI International Materials Research Congress. Cancún 12-17 Agosto
¨ Anabel S. Sánchez y Ernesto Suaste G. Respuestas pupilares cromáticas pseudoáfacas en el estado estable. III Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Rehabilitación. México D.F. 14 al 16 de Noviembre.
¨ A. S. Sánchez, E. Suaste. Isoluminant Chromatic Pupillometry an evaluation of peak velocity contraction in pseudophakic eyes. XII Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics. Oaxaca, Mexico, Marzo 6-18
Pan American Health Care Exchange (PAHCE), Miami, Florida Marzo 26-31.
¨ R.P Figuerola, L. M. Santos, E. Suast. Appropriation of biomedical instruments within electrophysiologist-cardiologist framework.
¨ G.A Zamora-Pérez, C. O. González-Móran, E. Suaste-Gómez. Humidity Sensor for Biological aplications via Electrospinning.
International Conference on Advances in Materials Science, Bangkok, Thailand, Septiembre 27-28.
¨ Carlos Omar González-Morán, G. A. Zamora-Pérez, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. System for controlling the moisture of the soil using humidity sensors from a PVDF fiber mats.
¨ José de Jesús Agustín Flores-Cuautle, Alfredo Cruz-Orea, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. UV response of (Bi0.5Na0.5)0.935Ba0.065TiO3 lead free piezoelectric ceramics.
Terceras Jornadas Chilenas de Ingeniería Biomédica. Viña del Mar Chile Septiembre 26-28.
¨ Anabel S. Sánchez, Ernesto Suaste G. Latencia Pupilar a Estímulos Cromáticos Asociada a la Edad.
¨ Carlos Omar González-Morán, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Sensor multifuncional ferroeléctrico basado en PLZT implantado con dos alambres de PT para aplicaciones biomédicas.
9th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control, Mexico City Semtiembre 26-28.
¨ Carlos González, Ernesto Suaste. Characterization and testing of PLZT ferroelectric ceramics with two PT implants.
¨ Mendoza Cristina, Sanchez-Sanchez Anabel, Teran-Jimenez Omar, Rivera David, Placio Claudia, Arroyo-Muñoz Laura Leticia, Guerrero-Berger Oscar, Suaste-Gómez Ernesto, Proposed Novel Schematic Eye model for testing intraocular lens performance. ARVO Anual Meeting Life-Changing Research. Seattle, Washington Mayo 5-9
¨ C. Trninidad, E. Suaste. Piezoelectric ceramic PLZT with 3 platinum implants as unconvencional device signals differentiator and signal adder. XXII International Materials Research Congress (IMRC). Cancun, México, Agosto 11-15.
¨ Carlos Omar Gonzalez-Morán, Emilia Campos-Elizondo, Sandra Guerrero-Peralta, María Raquel Luege-Marván, Eduardo Lucio de Esesarte, Alberto Hernández-Pérez, Arantxa Romero-Toledo, adn Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Fabrication of piezoelectric polyvinyldenefluoride (PVDF) fiber mats by electrospinning for generation of Keratinocytes from the rattus norvegicus. VI International Conference on Surfaces Materials and Vacuum, Merida Yucatan, Septiembre 23-27.
¨ Hernández-Aguilar Claudia, Domínguez-Pacheco Arturo, Cruz-Orea Alfredo, Lara-Hernández Gemima, Suaste-Gómez Ernesto, Zepeda-Bautista Rosalba. Depth profile of maize (Zea Mays L.) seeds by photoacoustic spectroscopy. 17th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena. Suzhou, China, Octubre 20-24.
TUMI II Lima, Peru Mayo 29-31.
¨ Cotzareli Trinidad, Ernesto Suaste, Ceramica Piezoeléctrica PLZT con 2 Implantes de Platino como Circuito de Procesamiento de Señales.
¨ Carlos González, Ernesto Suaste, Opto-thermal Characterization of Ceramic Controlled Piezoelectric Based on PLZT Implanted with Pt.
Pan American Health Care Exchanges (PAHCE)
¨ Cotzareli Trinidad, Ernesto Suaste, Cerámicas piezoeléctricas PLZT con implantes de Pt como filtro no convencional, aplicado en aislamiento de ECG.
¨ Alberto Alonso, Anabel S. Sánchez, Ernesto Suaste. Pupillary oscillation predicting voluntary movement.
¨ Fabiola M. Villalobos Castaldi, Edgardo M. Felipe-Riveron and Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. A new recognition System using logaritmic spiral sampling grid. Pattern Recognition 6th Mexican Conference, Cancun, México Junio 25-28.
¨ G. Lara-Hernandez, J. J. A. Flores-Cuautle, A. Orea- Cruz, L. M. Cervantes-Espinosa, E. Suaste-Gomez. Thermal characterization of Glucose-water mixtures by photopyroelectric techniques. Congreso Iberoamericano de Superficies, Materiales y Aplicaciones de Vacío, Octubre 21-24.
¨ Gemima Lara Hernandez, Jose de Jesus Agustin Flores Cuautle, Alfredo Cruz Orea, Ernesto Suaste Gomez, Luis Moctezuma Cervantes Espinosa. Thermal diffusivity as function of pole voltage in PLZT ferroelectrics ceramics by means of front photopyroelectric tecnique. VII International Conference on Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum, Baja California, México, Octubre 6-10.
VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica CLAIB 2014, Entre Ríos, Argentina, Octubre 29-31.
¨ Anabel S. Sánchez, Ernesto Suaste, Elsy Villarrea. Isoluminant chromatic high speed video-oculography to study the dynamic of the pupillary response.
¨ Fabiola M. Villalobos-Castaldi, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. A new spontaneous pupillary oscillations-based biometric system approach.
¨ E. Suaste-Gómez, R. Mora.Martínez, E. Villarreal-Calva, A. S. Sánchez-Sánchez. Instrumental methodology for the measurment of the pupil cycle time using chromatic slit lamp.
¨ Luis G. Ayala-Torres, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez y Jaime Parada-Ávila. Estudio de las capacidades Científicas y tecnológicas en México para el desarrollo de las tecnologías de sustitución renal.
¨ Carlos Omar González-Morán, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, Omar Ulises Romero-Romano and José G. Miranda-Hernández, Héctor Herrera-Hernández. Keratinocytes growth using Polivinylidenefluoride (PVDF) fiber mats by electrospum.
¨ G. Rodríguez-Roldan, E. Suaste-Gómez. A wearable, flexible and biocompatible temperature sensor based on a PLA/PPy/PVDF composite. International Conference on Polymers and Advanced MAterials- POLYMAT, Huatulco, Oaxaca, Octubre 18-22.
¨ E. Suaste-Gómez, O. Teran-Jimenez, D. Hernández-Rivera, H. Reyes-Cruz, C. J. Rodríguez-Montoya. Development of conducive polymer electrodes for biomedical apllications. Advances in Functional Materials. New York, United States, Junio 29 a Julio 3.
XXIV International Materials Research Congress, Cancun, México, Agosto 16-20.
¨ C. O. González-Morán, J. G. Miranda-Hernández, H. Herrera-Hernández, E. Suaste-Gómez. Growth line HEP-G2 hepatocellular carcinoma homo sapiens on polyvinyl difluoride fiber mats (PVDF) based on electrospinning.
¨ A. Florenci-Ramírez, E. Suaste-Gómez. Potentiality of piezoceramic devices with platinum implants in applications of unconventional electronics for biomedical purposes.
¨ G. Rodriguez-Roldan, E. Suaste-Gómez. Comparative analysis between PVDF and corona poled PVDF prostheses, fabricated by a 3D printer, as pressure, tactile and temperature sensors.
18th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Phothermal Phenomena (ICPPP18), Novi Sad, Serbia, Septiembre 6-10.
¨ E. Contrera-Gallegos, G. Lara-Hernández, C. Hernández-Aguilar, F. A. Domínguez-Pacheco, L. M. Cervantes-Espinosa, J. J. A. Flores-Cuautle, E. A. Gallardo-Hernández, E. Suaste-Gomez, O. Teran-Jimenez, A. Cruz-Orea. Thermal and Tribological characterization of Jatropha Curcas-oil blends as a function of temperature.
¨ G. Lara-Hernández, J. J. A Flores-Cuautle, O. Terán-Jiménez, E. Suaste-Gómez, A. Cruz-Orea. Thermal properties of jojoba oil as a function of temperature.
International Conference Material Science in the Age of Sustainability, Habana, Cuba, Junio 29 - Julio 1.
¨ Florencio-Ramírez A., Suaste-Gómez E. Characterization and application of piezoceramic devices, with platinum implant for the design of devices for biomedical purposes.
¨ Rodríguez-Roldan G., Suaste-Gómez E. Design, construction and characterization of bionic prostheses made with a 3D printer using smart materials (piezoelectric, pyroelectric and shape memory polymers).
1st International Congress on Surface Engineering, Queretaro, Queretaro, Junio 29-Julio 1.
1st International Congress on Surface Engineering, Queretaro, Queretaro, Junio 29-Julio 1.
¨ G. Rodríguez-Roldan, E.
Suaste-Gómez. Fabrication
and Characterization of Electrospun PVDF and PVDF/PLA Membranes as Artificial
skin for Robots.
¨ D. Hernández-Rivera, E. Suaste-Gomez. Fabrication of PVDF/Graphene conductive
Membranes by Electrospinning.
VII Latin American Conference on Biomedical
Engineering, Bucaramanga, Colombia,
Octuber 26-28.
¨ Sánchez S. Anabel, Suaste
G. Ernesto. Pupillary Latency in Chromatic High Speed
¨ G. Palomino-Roldán, E.
Suaste-Gómez, A. Castañeda-Galván. Simultaneous Detection of
the Position of Eye Movements and Head for Diagnostic Purposes of the
Vestibular System.
¨ G. Rodríguez-Roldán, E.
Suaste-Gómez. Continuous Body Temperature Monitoring
System Based on a Flexible PPy/PLA Wristband.
¨ O.
Teran-Jiménez, D. Hernández-Rivera and E. Suaste-Gómez. Electrodes Based on
PPyPolymer for electrocardiography and Impedance Plethysmography.
¨ D. Hernández-Rivera,
E. Suaste-Gómez. Fabrication of
PVDF/GrapheneMembranes by Electrospinning for Respiratory Rate and Temperature
¨ R.
Mora-Martínez, E. Suaste-Gómez. Approximations of Pupillary
Shape in High-Definition Video-Oculography Register.
¨ Ernesto Suaste Gómez. Software Ecosystem of Electronic Medical
Record to Facilitate the Exchange of Inter Institutional Information: Case
Study in a Fragmented Health System, Mexican Humanitarian Technology Conference
(MHTC), Puebla, México, March 31.
¨ Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, Grissel Rodríguez-Roldan. 3D printed smart sensors for biomedical applications, International Conference on
3D Printing & Technology, Frankfurt, Germany, July 5-6.
¨ Ernesto Suaste Gómez. Promoción de los Programas de Posgrado de la Sección de Bioelectrónica. XL Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica. Nuevo León, México, Noviembre 1-4.
¨ Daniel Hernández-Rivera, Ernesto Suaste Gómez. PVDF/Graphene Membrane
for Pressure Sensing.
¨ Grissel Rodríguez-Roldán, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Fabrication and Characterization of a Photochromic, Piezoelectric and Polymeric Skin Patch as an Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation and Temperature Sensor.
¨ Ernesto Suaste Gómez. Promoción de los Programas de Posgrado de la Sección de Bioelectrónica. XL Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica. Nuevo León, México, Noviembre 1-4.
XXVI International Materials Research Congress, Cancún, México, August 20-25.
¨ Grissel Rodríguez-Roldán, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Fabrication and Characterization of a Photochromic, Piezoelectric and Polymeric Skin Patch as an Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation and Temperature Sensor.
15th International Conference on
Electrical Engineering, Computing, Scinece and Automatic Control (CCE), Ciudad de México, México, Septiembre 5-7
¨ Palomino Roldán Geovanny, Suaste Gómez Ernesto. Methodology for the registration of human movement
using acceletometers and gyroscopes.
¨ Rodrigo Mora-Martínez, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Biometric Identification System Based on Pupillary
Hippus: a Preliminary Study.
¨ D. Hernández-Rivera, E. Suaste-Gómez, G. Casados-Cruz. Permitivity as a Function of Temperature of PVDF/Graphene Films.
¨ D. Hernández-Rivera, E. Suaste-Gómez, G. Casados-Cruz. Permitivity as a Function of Temperature of PVDF/Graphene Films.
¨ Grissel
Rodríguez-Roldán, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, Héctor Reyes-Cruz. Fabrication and
characterization of a PVDF/PLA membrane made by electrospinning as a flexible
temperature sensor.
¨ Nataly
García-Morales, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Visual Evoked
Potential in Color: The Instrumentation and Method.
¨ Nataly García-Morales, Luis A. Gonzalez Mondragon,
Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Head Movements Tracking
during Visual Fixations in Children while Following a 2D Pattern. 16th International Conference on
Electrical Engineering, Computin Science and Automatic Control (CCE) IEEE,
Septiembre 11-13, 2019
VIII Latin American Conference on Biomedical
Engineering and XLII National Conference on Biomedical Engineering. CLAIB 2019.
¨ Geovanny Palomino-Roldán and Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Recording and Analysis of the Vestibulo-Ocular
Reflex with Pendular Movement in the Vertical Plane
¨ Ernesto
Suaste-Gómez, Ilian Pérez-Solís. Fabrication of PPy/PLA
Electrodes for ECG Monitoring
¨ Nataly
A. Garcia-Morales and Ernesto Suaste-Gómez. Retinal Illuminance
and the Relationship with Color
¨ Bernardo
Flores Ramírez, Ernesto Suaste Gómez. Polyvinylidene Fluoride
Membranes as Force Detectors for Bruxism Behavior. 20th Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science
and Automatic Control (CCE), Mexico City, Mexico, 25- 27 de Octubre de 2023
17th Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges
& Pacific Health Care Engineering (PAHCE), Incheon (Songdo), Corea, 27-31 de Marzo de 2023.
¨ B. Flores-Ramírez,
E. Suaste-Gómez. Piezo-Polymeric Force Sensors as an Alternate
Instrumental Approach in the Tracking of Bruxism Episodes
¨ R.
Mora, V. Lima, E. Suaste. Portable Humidity Measurement System in Eyeball
Models Based on a PVDF Membrane Sensor
¨ O. E. Aguilar-Mejía, E. Suaste-Gomez. Development of an
Electrical Pulse Generator based on a BaTiO3 Piezoelectric Ceramic with Pt
Implant for Tissue Stimulation.