¨ Oscar Pérez Martínez y Ernesto Suaste Gómez, “Materiales Piezoeléctricos del tipo PZT”, de. Dpto. de Ing. Eléctrica Cinvestav, Vol. No.45 VERDE, Septiembre 1994.
¨ Ernesto Suaste Gómez, “Ingeniería Biomédica: Antecedentes, Desarrollo y Desenlaces en México, ISNB: 970-92138-0-6, Poligrafh, Primera edición noviembre de 1998.
¨ Ernesto Suaste Gómez. “Cerámicas Piezoeléctricas”. Editorial: Innovación Editorial Lagares de México, S. A. de C. V. ISBN: 970-773-289-x. Noviembre 2006
¨ Ernesto Suaste Gómez. “Semblanza – Informe”. Editorial: Innovación Editorial Lagares de México, S. A. de C. V. ISBN: 978-773-324-4. Abril 2007.
¨ Ernesto Suaste Gómez. EDITOR, “PIEZOELECTRIC CERAMICS”, SCIYO Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka , Croatia ISBN 978-953-307-122-0. 2010.
Esta publicación muestra los últimos avances y las tendencias de los materiales cerámicos piezoeléctricos así como sus aplicaciones multidisciplinarias; consta de 14 capítulos de autores de varios países. A la fecha la editorial lleva documentado 3077 descargas del citado libro como se puede corroborar en el siguiente link: or Publication Metrics ; How to LinkDownload for Free PDF file (zipped) 24. Published online: 05 October, 2010, Published in print edition: October, 2010.
Ernesto Suaste Gómez, Carlos Omar González Morán. Materiales Inteligentes Piezocerámicos y Piezopolímeros. Editorial: Innovación Editorial Lagares de México S.A. de C.V. ISBN:978-607-410-285-7 Agosto 2013.
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¨ E. Suaste, P. Rivera, J. Leybón, V. Salazar, J. Avila, L. Leija and H.Sossa, “3D Simulation, Visualization, Animation and Modeling of Eye Movements, Pupillary Response and Visual Evoked Potentials for Ophthalmological Studies,” Simulation Modelling in Bioengineering, Section 4: Imaging Processing, Editors: M. Cerrolaza, D. Jugo, C. A. Brebbia, pp. 189-200, 1996.
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¨ Colaborador de libro “Interiorización Cardiovascular 4. Tecnología en Desarrollo. Puntal en la evolución de la Cardiología 1986-2008, Capitulo 6. Análisis simultaneo de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca y de las áreas pupilares: una ventana para el estudio del sistema nervioso autónomo”. Primera Edición, Editorial Prado, ISBN 978-607-7566-00-7, México, 2009.
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¨ Suaste-Gomez E, Gonzalez.Moran E, Flores-Cuautle J. Ceramic-controlled piezoelectric: Development, applications and potentiality in electrical and biomedical engineering. Piezoelectric Ceramics, Editado por: Ernesto Suaste Gomez, Editorial: Sciyo, 2010, ISBN: 978-953-307-122-0.
Link: "Ceramic-controlled piezoelectric: Development, applications and potentiality in electrical and biomedical engineering. Piezoelectric Ceramics"
Link: "Ceramic-controlled piezoelectric: Development, applications and potentiality in electrical and biomedical engineering. Piezoelectric Ceramics"
Notable es que a fecha la editorial lleva documentado 831 consultas y 3504 descargas.
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¨ Suaste-Gomez E, Gonzalez-Moran C, Flores-Cuautle J. Development of a ceramic-controlled piezoelectric of single disk for biomedical applications. Biomedical Engineering Trends, Researches and Technologies, Editado por: Anthony N. Laskovski y Sylwia Olsztynska-Janus, pp. 87-100, Editorial: INTECH, 2011,ISBN: 978-953-307-475-7.
Link:"Development of a ceramic-controlled piezoelectric of single disk for biomedical applications"
Link:"Development of a ceramic-controlled piezoelectric of single disk for biomedical applications"
¨ E. Suaste Gómez, J. J. A. Flores Cuautle. Chapter 9. Lead free BNBT type ceramics: A useful material for sensors and ultrasound applications. Advances in Ceramics-Characterization, Raw Materials, Processing, Properties, Degradation and Healing. Ed. Costas Sikalidis, INTECH, pp. 165-180, Rijeka, Croacia, Agosto 2011, ISBN: 978-953-307-504-4.
Link:"A useful material for sensors and ultrasound applications"
Link:"A useful material for sensors and ultrasound applications"
¨ E. Suaste Gómez, H. Reyes Cruz. "Inverse dynamic model of the pupil muscle plant in the simulation of response to sound stimuli and hippus". Enviornmental Health and Biomedicine, WIT Transactions on Biomedicine and Health, Ed. C.A. Brebbia, M. Eglite, I. Knets, R. Miftahof, V. Popov, WIT Press, Wessex Institute of Tecnology, pp. 407-414, ISBN: 978-1-84564-524-3, 2011.
- Ernesto Suaste Gómez and Anabel S. Sánchez Sánchez. Chapter 8. Biomedical Instrumentation to analyze pupillary responses in White-chromatic Stimulation and it influence on diagnosis and surgical evaluation. INTECH, 2012. pp. 191-212. ISBN: 978-953-51-0733-0
- Edgardo M. Felipe-Riveron, Fabiola M. Villalobos Castaldi, Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, Marcos A. Leiva Vasconcellos, and Cecilia Albortante Morato, "A semi-supervised puzzle-based method for separating the venous and arterial vascular networks in retinal images", pag. 251-260, 2014
- Manuel Santos-Trigo, Ernesto Suaste, Paola Figuerola. "Technology and Tools Appropriation in Medical Practices". Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Editorial IGI Global, USA, Third Edition. pp. 229-236, 2015.
- Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, Grissel Rodríguez-Roldán, Héctor Reyes-Cruz and Omar Teran-Jiménez. "Polymeric prosthesis as acoustic, pressure, temperature and light sensor fabricated by three-dimensional printing" Piezoelectric Materials, Intech, 2016, Chapter 7, pp. 143-160.
- Rodrigo Mora- Martinez and Ernesto Suaste-Góme, "Pupillary Reflex Associated with Isoluminant Chromatic Stimuli", Recent Progress in Eye Research, chapter 5, Editors: Frederik Arno and Ernst Rein, pp. 231-264, 2017
- Grissel Rodríguez-Roldán, Daniel Hernández-Rivera and Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, "Fabrication and Characterization of Electrospun PVDF, PVDFA/PLA and PVDF/G Membranes", Elestrospinning and Electroplating, chapter 5, Editor: Tobi Jacob, pp. 153-175, 2017.
- Ernesto Suaste-Gómez, Daniel Hernández-Rivera and Grissel Rodríguez-Roldán. Chapter 3: Piezoelectric Controlled Ceramics with Metallic Implants: A New Alternative for the Engineering Field. Advances in Engineering Research, Victoria M. Petrova (Ed.) Nova Science Publisher 2018 ISBN: 978-1-53614-218-1
- Manuel Santos-Trigo, Ernesto Suaste, Paola Figuerola, Technology Design and Routes for Tool Appropriation in Medical Practices. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. IGI Global, 2018. ISBN: 9781522522553 Pag. 3794-3804.